How to change username on Reddit

Como cambiar tu nombre de usuario en Reddit

Did you create an account on Reddit and choose a name at random? Do not despair, this has been done by many users and few know that “it is possible to change the name they have chosen when registering”.

Despite what many people think, this social network has an option, somewhat hidden, that allows you to change the name of the profile of a specific account .

If you are interested in knowing how to carry out this change, the only thing you will need to have at hand is your mobile , since the tutorial that we are going to show you here is based on the Reddit app for Android and iOS.

This is how you can change your username on Reddit

Se puede cambiar el nombre de usuario en Reddit

As we mentioned at the beginning of the note, Reddit currently does not allow changing the username , why? Because according to them, this change would affect the proper functioning of the social network.

So if Reddit doesn’t allow you to change your username, what can you change? Well, basically what can be changed is the name that appears on the profile .

If you’re interested in displaying another name on your Reddit profile , you’ll need to follow each of the steps below. Before you do them, we recommend you put Reddit in Spanish.

Ajustes perfil de Reddit

  • Open the Reddit app that you have installed on your mobile.
  • Once you are inside the social network, you must click on your account , which is located at the top right of the screen.
  • Therefore, you will have to enter the section called “My profile” .

Cambiar nombre de perfil en Reddit

  • Click on the button that says “Edit”.
  • Click on the name that appears under “Profile Name” , and enter your new name .
  • Finally, hit the “Save” option to apply all the changes.

I don’t want to change my profile name, I want to change my username

We understand that this tutorial might annoy you, but the reality is that Reddit only allows you to change the name that appears on user profiles.

However, you can create a new account from the app itself , this will allow you to choose a new name. Of course, the karma that you have in your other account will not be transferred to the new user.

Finally, we take advantage of the fact that we are talking about Reddit to mention the note where we explain how to download videos from Reddit, we are convinced that it will be very useful for you!