Google Maps already shows you the busiest areas (in case you want to avoid them)

google maps muestra las zonas mas concurridas

If you have not updated Google Maps yet, you should do so, there is a new function that you will surely love. The map now tells you which are the busiest areas , in case you want to avoid them. Information that on many occasions can be quite valuable. Especially in these festive seasons, where many people tend to crowd on the street doing Christmas shopping.

Area Busyness: the new Google Maps function to know pedestrian traffic

This is how they have named the new Maps function, Area Busyness, and it is very easy to use. All you have to do is enter the application and scroll on the map until you find an area where the symbol of a busy area appears. This symbol will appear more frequently in shopping malls or restaurants.

google maps zonas mas concurridas

To obtain more information about the crowded areas, you just have to click on the icon , the map will automatically display, as usual, the tab with the information to get to said area and its details. Among these details are the hours when there are the greatest number of people.

How do they do that? Google has not given details but it is still a very interesting and very detailed function, being able to notify the flow of people for days and hours a day.

What else can you do with Area Busyness on Google Maps?

With a little creativity we can get a lot out of this new Google Maps feature. Beyond knowing which are the busiest places to avoid them, we can also take advantage of this information to visit the areas with the greatest tourist attraction or even where there is greater commercial activity .

If you are a merchant or have a project underway, knowing which are the busiest areas can help you decide where it is better to open a store . On the other hand, knowing what are the busiest hours is very useful to know when it is better to promote services, products or simply to know when to go to visit those places without feeling overwhelmed by the excess of people around.