How to find out where an unknown number is calling you from

Como saber de donde te llama un numero desconocido

Do you often receive calls from an unknown phone number on your mobile? If you are tired of that particular number calling you constantly and you need to know where it comes from, let us tell you that you are in the right place.

Before we explain how to find out this information, we advise you to block that phone number so that it does not continue to bother you. In Android calls can be blocked automatically from the settings of the terminal itself, or applications can be downloaded to block them simply and quickly.

Knowing where an unknown phone number calls you from is possible

Thanks to the fact that there is a database that stores the telephone numbers that are used to make spam-type calls, anyone can find out where these types of calls are being made from.

One of the best web pages that exist to find out this information is Tellows. If you have never used it, we advise you to take a look at the following tutorial :

Saber desde donde llama un numero de telefono desconocido

  • Having copied the phone number that constantly calls you, you will need to enter the Tellows website . Once there, you must paste that same number in the section that says “Enter a number”.
  • Therefore, you will have to click on the small green magnifying glass .
  • In seconds, Tellows will tell you from which country they are using that number to call you.
  • If you browse the page in question, you will be able to access the alleged location from which they make the call.
  • In case that number is used to make scams or spam calls, you could get to see comments from other people (they usually leave more information about it).

It is important to clarify that not all unknown numbers are within the database that Tellows has access to . In other words, if an individual is calling only you, you will not be able to discover where he is calling from, since only those calls made to hundreds of people are recorded.