Looking for 18+ content on TikTok? How to find it

Como encontrar contenido +18 en TikTok

If you are looking for adult content on TikTok, you have come to the right place. The popular Chinese social network is full of short videos for all tastes, including those looking for racy content.

Well, believe it or not, finding +18 videos on TikTok is easier than you think. In fact, you don’t have to download or configure anything to access this content . Below, we bring you all the methods by which you can view adult content on TikTok.

How to find +18 content on TikTok

Como descargar TikTok Plus para Android

The first thing you should know is that you will not find sexually explicit content on TikTok . Why? Well, because the platform’s policies prohibit this type of video, so when they are published they are quickly deleted and the account of the user who has incurred in this infraction is suspended.

Now, even taking into account the aforementioned, it is possible to access adult content on this platform thanks to the following methods that we present below.

Use the hashtags #YouTubeNaranja and #YouTubeAzul

que significa YouTubeNaranja y YouTubeAzul en TikTok

As happened in the curious case of Fortnite on Instagram (which used the name of the game to spread +18 content on the platform) there are 2 hashtags with which you can find +18 videos on TikTok : #YouTubeNaranja and #YouTubeAzul.

Don’t know what YouTube orange and YouTube blue mean? Well, the first is the code name of Por*hub and the second that of XNXX , two very popular po*n portals on the Internet.

Now, even searching for these hashtags, you will not find sexually explicit content on TikTok. These are actually tags used by content creators to direct users to their profiles on Por*hub or XNXX . TikTok does not censor these hashtags, since with them racy videos are published that do not violate the platform’s policy, so you can search for them without problems.

Install TikTok Plus, the +18 version of the social network

Como instalar TikTok Plus en Android

Now, if what you want is sexually explicit content without leaving the platform , then you have to try the adult version of this social network. This is TikTok Plus, a variant that comes with special features and, of course, adult content. Do you want to install it on your mobile? Well, take a look at this article on how to install TikTok Plus on Android.

Try SWYP, the TikTok of YouPo*n

swyp aplicacion como tiktok para +18

Finally, the third and last method that we recommend to see content +18 as if you were on TikTok is to try SWYP. This is a YouPo*n app that copies exactly the same format as TikTok, but with content exclusively for adults .

Due to the nature of its content, this application is not available in the Play Store , but don’t worry, here we explain how to install SWYP on your mobile. And since you are looking for adult content, we invite you not to miss this article on how to watch OnlyFans for free.