Radio Garden, the best app to listen to all the radio stations in the world

Radio Garden escuchar todas las radios del mundo

Do you want to know what are the songs that are playing the most on the radios of other countries? If your answer is “yes” , Radio Garden is the platform you should use on your computer or mobile device .

Thanks to an interesting system that captures the signal of the most listened to radio stations in the world , Radio Garden will allow you to tune into any radio station for free and in a matter of seconds.

How does RadioGarden work?

Como funciona Radio Garden

The operation of this platform is extremely simple, since you only have to click on one of the small green dots that appear on the map.

Once one of these buttons is pressed, Radio Garden will start playing the station that is being listened to the most in that country or city where the green dot in question is located.

It is worth mentioning that Radio Garden has more than 25 thousand radio stations , which are live and direct (they are not recordings). Also, the stations that appear on the map are official, what does this mean? They take the source code that each of those radio stations put on their websites.

Radio Garden is available on mobile and computers

Descargar Radio Garden app

Unlike other services that offer the same facilities, Radio Garden not only works through its official application, but also has a website from which you can listen to all the radio stations in the world.

Of course, the web version of Radio Garden consumes a lot of RAM , so it is only recommended to use the website if you have 4 GB or more of RAM.

On the other hand, it is necessary to mention that the Radio Garden app is available for both Android mobile devices, as well as for iPhone and iPad. On both iOS and Android, the app is completely free (it has some ads that may appear in the middle of the transmissions).

‎Radio Garden Live

Price: Free +
Radio Garden

Price: Free

Without anything else to add in this regard, if for some reason Radio Garden does not work on your mobile , we recommend you download one of these 3 apps to listen to the radio on Android.