How to clean the USB port of your smartphone and leave it like new

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Does the USB cable of your mobile not enter the port correctly? Unless it has suffered some damage due to mishandling or a blow, it is most likely covered in dirt . It is inevitable, our smartphones are always with us and are exposed to all kinds of dirt.

Over time it accumulates in any space it finds and the USB connector is among its favorites. Luckily, you don’t have to spend a bunch of grass to clean it up and make it like new, though you do have to be careful in the process. Here we will teach you how to clean the USB port of your mobile safely , so be prepared because we will leave it as newly installed.

This is the best way to clean the USB connector of your smartphone, if it is not too dirty

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With how sensitive the USB port is, it’s best to prevent dirt from building up and do regular cleaning without handling it internally. How do you do this? By far the safest way is to use canned compressed air , as this will blow out dirt without getting anything into the port. Applying this method is really simple, but we still leave you the steps:

  1. Buy a can of compressed air to clean electronic equipment.
  2. Place the precision nozzle on the mouth of the can of compressed air.
  3. Bring the mouthpiece close to the USB port of your mobile.
  4. Blow short bursts of air over the port to loosen the dust and blow it out.

As additional recommendations, always remember to keep the air can in a vertical position so that it works correctly. Also, you may be wondering why use compressed air instead of just blowing with your mouth. The answer is simple: there is saliva in your mouth (which generates moisture) and compressed air is more precise when blowing.

Buy the cheapest can of compressed air on Amazon

Persistent dirt? So you can remove it from the USB port of your phone

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When the dirt in the USB port is extreme and has adhered, compressed air is not enough. At that point it is necessary to call in the cavalry and dig deeper, but first we must give you a couple of warnings: first, the contacts and internal parts of the USB port are quite fragile, so any object you insert into it must be handled with care ; second, if you don’t trust your pulse, please take your mobile to the technical service and let them do the cleaning, don’t risk it.

If you’re still willing to go ahead, all you’ll need is a toothpick or similar narrow instrument. Really, the best thing is to buy a cleaning kit like the one that we leave you below in the purchase button, but with the toothpick it should be enough. Be careful, avoid using safety pins, clips or any other metal element. With that said, do the following:

  1. Insert the stick very carefully into the USB port without touching the contacts.
  2. It emulates the movement of a shovel to loosen and remove the garbage.
  3. If you encounter a lot of resistance, change the angle of movement of the chopstick.
  4. Apply bursts of compressed air every so often to remove loose dirt.
  5. Repeat until clean .

Buy your mobile cleaning kit

How to prevent dust from entering the USB-C port of your mobile

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As in many other scenarios, prevention is always the best way to go. If you are very careless or work in an environment with a lot of dust or particles, it is best to invest in the care of your mobile. A good recommendation would be to buy anti-dust plugs for the USB port of your mobile, which are very cheap. A case for your phone that includes the cover can also work, but it is not always easy to get them.

Both cases help a lot in keeping the USB-C port of your smartphone clean, although it is still worth being careful with it. Was the tutorial helpful? We hope so and for this reason we invite you to review some more tutorials that may be useful to you: how to clean the screen of your mobile, how to clean its speakers and even how to properly dry your phone if it has fallen into water.

See the best protectors for USB-C ports