Automatic password change: Google advances in its plan to eliminate passwords

Google revoluciona las contrasenas cambios automaticos y un plan osado

Does it bother you having to memorize a different password for all the accounts you have? Well, it seems that the team of the great G also. Google has been releasing features to make password management easier for years, one of the best being Chrome’s password manager.

Well, those from Mountain View are ready to go one step further in their goal of simplifying account authentication. And it is that it has been revealed that Google not only plans to facilitate the use of passwords as they have done with the new function that they have released . Those with the big G have a much more ambitious idea in mind: get rid of passwords altogether.

Google introduces automatic password change in Chrome

Google estrena el cambio automatico de contrasenas en Chrome

If Chrome’s password manager is already very useful, now it will be even more so. Why? Well, because thanks to the Google Assistant, the automatic password change function has come to this browser. This consists of a notification that will be activated immediately the moment you log in with a key that has been the victim of a data breach .

This pop-up window will prompt the user to make a password change for their security. But not only that, but it will also give you the possibility to have Google automatically generate a password , which will be automatically associated with the user’s Google account and saved in the key manager. And, in case the user wants to manually create the key, he will be able to do it since the function is not mandatory.

The big G plans to put an end to passwords: the mobile as an access key for everything

huellas digitales google cuenta Automatic password change is a feature that will start rolling out to all users. And of course, we anticipate that this will not be the only news that comes from Google in terms of security and authentication. Those of the big G herald a future free of passwords in which your mobile is the only thing you need to access all your accounts.

From Google they assure that they are working so that users can log in to websites and apps without passwords. The only thing that will be needed to authenticate the identity of a user will be their mobile. This is thanks to the biometric recognition technology that these devices have, that is, the fingerprint sensor.

This is an idea Google has been working on for years. In fact, it is related to its participation in the FIDO Alliance , an alliance of companies focused on providing solutions to phishing and password management problems. This group was behind the Web Authentication project, the standard that allows you to log in to the Internet with the fingerprint reader.

And you… Do you think it would be safe to completely dispense with passwords?