TikTok's moderation system favors accounts with the most followers

tiktok modera las cuentas populares de manera diferente

TikTok, like other social networks, has certain rules that users are obliged to comply with unless they want their accounts to be sanctioned.

And although everyone would expect these rules to be applied equally to all accounts , according to a recently revealed report, everything seems to indicate that this is not the case.

TikTok’s moderation system benefits popular accounts

Como ver las cuentas que has bloqueado en TikTok

Recently, a Forbes report revealed that TikTok has a moderation system that benefits accounts with the most followers.

This information was revealed after an audio of one of the company’s internal meetings was leaked. In this audio, a member of the TikTok Trust & Safety team revealed that they have a two-tier moderation system.

Basically, the company seems to give special treatment to accounts with more than 5 million followers. According to the same source, in the same audio one of the members of the TikTok team can be heard saying that there should be more leniency for this type of user and that they cannot be treated as if they were any other account.

TikTok has already spoken out on this news and stated that they do not use a two-tier moderation system. However, there is no doubt that, if true, it could mean a lot of trouble for the company.

Why would TikTok offer popular accounts a better deal?

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It is clear that the fact that this type of preferential treatment exists is not fair at all. However, looking at it from an analytical point of view, the fact that this is the case makes sense.

In the end, these accounts with more followers represent a higher income for the company. If an account with more than 100 million followers does not follow the rules and the corresponding measures are taken to suspend it, that would mean a significant loss of income for TikTok.

Therefore, it seems to be easier to turn a blind eye to these situations so that your pockets are not affected.

And although this is not the first time that this social network has been involved in some controversy, it is worth mentioning that the leaked audio of the TikTok meeting is not available to the public. So, it is best not to jump to conclusions.