This is Decentraland, the metaverse that you have to know

El metaverso Decentraland

Metaverses are part of web3, and like NFTs and blockchain, more and more people are getting interested in them. In fact, even Facebook wants to create its own metaverse, although it seems that the Facebook metaverse is far from possible. In any case, Decentraland is one of the most talked about metaverses, that’s why we want to explain to you what it is and how this project works.

What is Decentraland?

Decentraland promises to be quite an interesting metaverse. Note that Decentraland is a metaverse that is based on the Ethereum blockchain . Furthermore, this metaverse allows its users to interact with each other as they would in real life. In any case, you should consider that for now the metaverse only exists in science fiction.

In Decentraland you can buy and sell plots, build on them or even earn money. On the other hand, in Decentraland you can also trade usernames and all kinds of digital objects for you to use in their metaverse.

You should also consider that Decentraland is the first metaverse to have the concept of being wholly owned by its users . So Decentraland is not owned by a company, nor will it cease to exist when its developers tire of the project. In this sense, Decentraland offers something totally new, the freedom to do what you want on its platform.

Qué es metaverso Decentraland

How does Decentraland work?

In Decentraland people can interact with each other in the 2.0 world and build properties on their land. Also, the operation of Decentraland is not complicated at all .

For example, when you register or buy a property on Decentraland, these operations are registered in the blockchain used by the game. Please note that since Decentraland is based on the Ethereum blockchain, all items you can trade in the game are NFTs.

Now, when you already have properties in this metaverse, you must store most of your data , so the platform remains stable. Also, the information you store is used to render your properties in Decentraland.

If you want to understand how Decentraland works, you should know that this metaverse has its own cryptocurrencies . In fact, MANA and LAND are Decentraland’s cryptocurrencies. You should also know that while MANA is used as a governance token to make transactions within the platform, LAND is intended to represent the properties and lands of the metaverse.

Cómo funciona metaverso Decentraland

How to enter Decentraland?

To enter the Decentraland metaverse you must have a computer that supports the platform. Also, you should consider that Decentraland has a guest mode , although in this you cannot collect NFTs.

Now if you want to enter the Decentraland metaverse and have properties there, you must do the following:

  1. Go to the Decentraland website .
  2. Select ” Start Exploring “.
  3. Connect your MetaMask account with the platform.
  4. Create your avatar and name it.

It is important to note that your avatar name will not be unique unless you purchase a username . Likewise, if you want to buy a land or some object in Decentraland, you only have to enter the Marketplace of the platform that is on its website. Now you can enjoy the Decentraland metaverse from your computer.