You can now create and upload your own filters and effects on TikTok

Como crear y subir efectos y filtros a TikTok

If there was something that TikTok lacked in order to compete on an equal footing with Facebook, Instagram and other social networks, it was some kind of “feature” that would allow users to upload their own filters and effects.

Thanks to the development of a platform called “Effect House” that TikTok has made available to users, now anyone can create and upload an effect or filter so that the other members of this social network can use it.

How to upload effects and filters to TikTok?

Crear y subir filtros a TikTok

Although thousands of people have already uploaded their own effects and filters to TikTok , the platform that makes this possible, Effect House, is still in beta, what does this mean? That it is necessary to register and wait to be approved in order to create and upload filters to this social network.

That said, if you want to create your own effects and filters on TikTok, you’ll need to fill out the form on the Effect House website . Of course, it is important that you log in with your TikTok account so that they can approve your registration request.

Once you complete the registration form, you will have to wait 1-5 business days for your account to be successfully created . During that period of time, Effect House will not allow you to access the tools you need to be able to create filters and effects.

Is it difficult to create effects and filters for TikTok?

Crear filtros para TikTok

It all depends on what your knowledge is . In summary, we can say that Effect House is very similar to the different programs that exist to create custom filters for Instagram.

If you’ve ever created a filter for Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat, you shouldn’t have any trouble creating effects for TikTok.

Without anything more to add in this regard, if you have never created filters, we recommend that you experiment with the different apps and online tools that you can find on the Internet. They will help you to have an idea of what must be done to create filters and effects successfully.