Transfer quota exhausted in MEGA? We present you 4 possible solutions

Eliminar limite de descarga MEGA

If you are here, it is because you are one of those who use the free version of MEGA and you are looking for a way to avoid download limits without spending any money. Fortunately, we have the solution.

With these 4 methods that I will present to you below, you will be able to continue enjoying the MEGA service without having to worry about the download limit.

What are MEGA’s download limits?

This website restricts users who make use of the free version the downloads made daily. In other words, if you have exceeded your data download limit, you will have to wait 24 hours to be able to make the downloads you need.

These restrictions are used using the IP of each user and depending on the country you live in , you can have a data download limit of 1 to 5 GB per day.

How to bypass the MEGA restriction: “Transfer quota exhausted”

Next, I will present you 4 methods that you can use to avoid having to worry about the download limits of MEGA, thus allowing you to download as many files as you need.

Use a reliable VPN


This may be the most repeated solution on the Internet to solve the MEGA download limit, and the reason why it is repeated so much is because it is quite effective, since, if each restriction is established by IP address, then it has meaning that by changing the address you don’t have to worry about restrictions and you can easily do that with a VPN.

Of course, it must be a reliable VPN, not just any that you find on the Internet. One of the most recognized for its good reputation is NordVPN, however, there are other options on the market that you can also try. Here we leave you the best free VPNs for Android that you can use.

Use VPN-based Chrome extensions

VPNs may be a great option. But alternatively, you can also try VPN-based Chrome extensions to remove MEGA download limit easily. Here are some of the Chrome VPN extensions that you can install on your browser:

You also have the possibility to use Mozilla VPN, in case that is the browser you use.

Reset your IP address

This method, although it is also quite effective, is not something that I would recommend to anyone, since it requires certain knowledge to be able to execute it successfully and also, the fact of making a mistake could mean that your PC suffers the consequences. So, if you do not feel confident with this method, you can use the others that I have presented in this article that turn out to be more friendly to inexperienced users.

There is a script that you can run from within Megadownloader to completely reset the Windows networking stack. By executing this method correctly, you will no longer have to worry about MEGA download limits and it is quite an effective method, although it is not for everyone.

IP Address Reset | script

Use the MyPony download manager


Now, another option you also have is to simply divorce yourself from MEGA and look for another alternative to completely forget about the tedious download limits. There are other tools that give you the same benefits as MEGA, but without having to worry about restrictions.

This time I present to you the MyPony download manager, which will be in charge of automating all your downloads. You can make several downloads consecutively and these will start automatically one after another. If you are interested in trying this alternative, then I leave you the download link.

Download | mypony

I hope this article has been helpful to you and do not hesitate to leave us in the comments which method has worked for you. If these methods did not work for you, you should see this tutorial on how to download unlimited MEGA with Google Drive and use the MegaBasterd app.