RECICLOS, an app that gives you prizes for recycling cans and plastic beverage bottles

If you like curious applications, you will love the one we bring you. This is RECICLOS , an app for Android and IOS that gives you prizes for recycling cans and plastic beverage bottles . It is already underway and you can participate in draws for sustainable prizes thanks to the recycling of packaging . The gesture is not only very simple, but also helps to take care of the environment. If you are interested in winning an electric scooter, a bicycle or a mobile phone by recycling cans and plastic bottles of drinks in the yellow container, today we show you how.

Download Recycles, take the containers and get the prizes

The objective of the app is to promote a greater culture of recycling in Spain by offering prizes to the most committed users. Its operation is quite simple and it is available in more than 60 municipalities distributed throughout all the Autonomous Communities . You just need to download the free app on Android or IOS.

When you have it you must register and start recycling . Doing it is very simple: you just need to go to a yellow container and follow these steps:

  1. Open the Recycles App – Android IOS
  2. Scan the barcode of the beverage cans or plastic bottles to be recycled
  3. Put them in the yellow container
  4. Scan the QR code on the container
  5. get your points

In this way you can accumulate points until you qualify for the prizes that interest you the most. There are three main options in which you can redeem your RECYCLES: draws for sustainable prizes or donations to collaborative projects.

  • Draws: you can exchange your RECICLOS for participation in draws for gastronomic experiences, transport tickets, electric scooters or technological products.
  • Collaborative projects: you can donate your points to social or environmental projects To participate in RECICLOS , you must make sure that the container or machine has the RECICLOS system. More and more municipalities are joining the initiative.

How to participate in RECYCLES?

To participate in RECICLOS you can recycle cans and plastic bottles of beverages that you consume in your day to day. You can get a maximum of 25 RECYCLES per week. For each can or plastic bottle that you recycle, the app will give you 1 RECYCLES .. 

Don’t worry about errors, if the container is not valid to participate in RECYCLES, the app will tell you when you scan it. If you have a mobile phone and consume cans or plastic bottles of beverages in your day to day, it can be very interesting to download the Recycles App and start winning some prizes for recycling containers, but make sure that there are RECICLOS in your city , a fact that you can know consulting the service website .