"Negative votes" arrive on Twitter to dislike

Twitter lanza el dislike con trampa

It seems that 2022 will be a year full of new features for the blue bird’s social network. A few days ago we discovered that Twitter is working on a feature called articles and that you can now use an NFT as a profile picture. The news was even leaked that the platform will debut the double tap to like the Instagram style.

And speaking of likes on Twitter, another new feature has been announced that the social network is already testing. These are “negative votes”, a new tool with which you can dislike tweets that you don’t like . do you want to know what is it about? Well, we’ll tell you right away.

Negative votes: this is how Twitter dislikes are

votos negativos de twitter

Since mid-July 2021, Twitter has been testing the “Dislike” button on iOS. At that time this function was complemented by a button to give positive votes. But now, Twitter has decided to extend this function to some users of Android and its version for computers , keeping only the button to give “negative votes”.

For now, the design that the Twitter dislike has is that of an arrow pointing down that is painted orange when pressed. This feature is still in beta so it is only available to some users. Twitter has not revealed when it will be officially launched , but announced that it will begin to reach more and more users.

It’s a trap: no one will be able to see the dislikes you give on Twitter

Twitter “downvotes” will not be public , which means that no tweet will show a record of how many times it has been “disliked”. The feature only serves as a tool that Twitter will use to learn about user and community preferences . In addition, it has been clarified that negative votes will not have an effect on the platform’s feed, since they will not detract from the relevance of the tweets.

Everything seems to indicate that for now Twitter dislikes will be a statistic that only the moderators of the social network will be able to see and that they will serve to filter the content that is published on the platform . And you… Do you think that in the future Twitter dislikes may be public? Let us know in the comments.