Spotify will show musicians' NFTs

A new functionality in Spotify will allow the musicians themselves to promote their NFTs in their profiles, so that it can be one more resource to promote after the platform already allows advertising of other types of things, such as merchandising.

Spotify artists will be given the opportunity to advertise their NFTs, if they have them, with the aim of increasing sales through this resource. Actually, Spotify will not start selling NFTs , but will allow their promotion within the platform.

At the moment, it is an internal test and it is being carried out with a small group of famous people who have the Spotify application for Android, and only in the United States. Hopefully any musician will be able to promote their NFTs in the future.

A musician who has NFTs to sell and wants to advertise them for sale can configure it in their profile and the user who wants to buy it will have to access the profile to view it and then they will be redirected to other types of websites from where they can execute their sale .

NFTs are here to stay and this is one of the first steps for their implementation within Spotify, although for the moment as a benefit for artists who have them, because what is intended is for musicians to increase their sales .

Spotify could have some long-term goal on NFTs, but that is something that only time can determine, and in recent days some users are receiving a survey from the service in order to answer certain questions about NFTs.

The intentions that Spotify has regarding NFTs are not known, but the fact that they are asking their users about them means that they have some kind of interest, although at the moment there is nothing clear and only the passage of time will dictate what it is about.

On the part of the musicians, they will soon be able to start promoting their NFTs within Spotify , as we already mentioned, this is being tested with very few users, but if it is successful, we will probably have more news about this before the end of 2022.

Via: musically