Soon you will be able to rearrange your Instagram profile feed to your liking

Instagram permitirá reorganizar feed perfil

Despite the fact that Instagram has exceeded 2 billion active users, the social network does not stop releasing new features. In fact, it seems that soon Instagram will not only have the chronological order in the feed again, but will also allow you to rearrange your profile feed to your liking .

Instagram will let you rearrange your profile feed to your liking

Recently, it has been leaked that Instagram is working on a feature that will allow you to modify the grid of the photos you have published to your liking . Keep in mind that this new feature that Instagram is working on will give you more customization options on your profile.

In addition, the ability to edit your profile feed on Instagram was a feature that multiple users requested from the platform. However, it seems that Instagram is starting to listen to its users and has started working on this new feature.

The Instagram feature that will allow you to rearrange your profile feed is already integrated into the app . However, this new feature is still under development. Still, developer Alessandro Paluzzi found a way to enable it and has posted how feed reshuffling will work.

According to Paluzzi’s post, rearranging your profile feed won’t be complicated at all, in fact, you’ll just have to tap on “Edit profile” . In addition, to customize your profile you just have to press and hold the post you want to move, drag and drop it in the place of your preference. Then you will only have to touch “Done” for your changes to be saved.

So far it looks like this Instagram feature will be quite interesting . However, we have to wait for the platform to make an official announcement on how the reorganization of the feed will work and when it will be available to all its users.

This new feature to personalize your profile and the return of the chronological feed are signs that Instagram is listening to its users . Well, Instagram users had been asking for these changes for several years. Now we just have to wait for these Instagram features to be available to see if the platform will improve.

Source | XDA Developers