Smartwatch Screen Flashing? Here’s What You Can Do to Fix It

As smartwatches become increasingly popular, more models find their way onto people’s wrists. However, with the growing number of smartwatches in use, issues like screen problems, including screen flashing, can arise. Smartwatches are everyday tools, and they often face exposure to various environmental elements that can affect their screens. If your smartwatch’s screen is flashing, fret not; we have some solutions to help you resolve this issue.

Solutions for Smartwatch Screen Flashing

While screen flashing issues on smartwatches can be frustrating, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take to potentially resolve the problem. Let’s explore these solutions, which are simple yet effective in restoring clarity to your smartwatch’s screen.

1. Restart the Smartwatch

One of the most straightforward and direct steps to address screen flashing is to restart your smartwatch. This simple action can resolve issues stemming from system glitches or errors. Here’s how to do it:

  • Turn off your smartwatch.
  • Allow it to rest for a couple of minutes.
  • Turn the smartwatch back on.

Restarting your smartwatch may help rectify any temporary issues that could be causing the screen to flash.

2. Update the System

Screen flashing problems might be related to the smartwatch’s operating system. In some cases, an outdated OS version can lead to screen issues. To address this, consider updating your smartwatch’s operating system. You can do this from both your smartwatch and your mobile device. Here’s how:

  • Check for updates on your smartwatch: Navigate to the settings menu and look for the option to update the software. Follow the prompts to install any available updates.
  • Update from your mobile device: Open the app that controls your smartwatch on your smartphone. Check for software updates within the app and install them if available.

Updating the operating system can help resolve compatibility issues and improve the overall performance of your smartwatch.

3. Close All Apps

Sometimes, screen flashing can result from conflicts and crashes between different apps running on your smartwatch. To troubleshoot this issue, close all open apps. If the screen stops flashing after performing this step, it’s a sign that one of the apps may be causing the problem. Here’s how to close apps on your smartwatch:

  • Swipe through the open apps on your smartwatch’s screen.
  • Close each app by swiping it away or selecting the close option.

If closing the apps resolves the issue, you can identify the problematic app by reinstalling it or clearing its cache.

4. Consider a Screen Replacement

If your smartwatch’s screen has been flashing for an extended period and none of the above solutions have worked, it’s possible that the screen is damaged or broken. In such cases, replacing the screen may be necessary. However, this is a delicate process, and it’s recommended to seek professional assistance. Here are the steps to consider:

  • Check the warranty: Determine whether your smartwatch is still under warranty. In many regions, legal warranties extend for three years. If your smartwatch is within the warranty period, screen replacement costs may be covered.
  • Professional screen replacement: Seek assistance from the manufacturer’s authorized service center or an experienced professional. Attempting to replace the screen yourself can void the warranty and risk further damage to the device.
  • Verify touch functionality: Before proceeding with a screen replacement, ensure that the touch screen is working as expected. You can rule out internal errors by checking whether you can interact with the screen and use the watch’s functions.

If your smartwatch is no longer under warranty, you may consider the DIY approach to screen replacement, but only if you have the necessary expertise and tools. Keep in mind that this approach carries risks and could result in permanent damage.

5. Go to the Manufacturer’s Technical Service

Whether your smartwatch is under warranty or not, one of the safest options for screen repair is to turn to the manufacturer’s technical service. Manufacturer-authorized service centers have the expertise and resources to diagnose and resolve screen issues effectively. Here’s how to proceed:

  • Visit the manufacturer’s support website: Go to the manufacturer’s official website and access the support section. You can find information on service centers, contact details, and procedures for screen repairs.
  • Contact the manufacturer: Reach out to the manufacturer directly through email, website contact forms, or phone calls. In some cases, manufacturers may provide support apps for your mobile device that can assist in scheduling repairs.
  • Schedule an appointment: If you have an appointment at an authorized service center, you may be able to have your smartwatch’s screen replaced on the same day, minimizing downtime.

Remember that opting for the manufacturer’s technical service ensures that your smartwatch is repaired by trained professionals, preserving any remaining warranty and safeguarding your device.


While smartwatch screen flashing issues can be frustrating, there are several steps you can take to address the problem. From simple restarts and software updates to professional screen replacements, you have options to resolve screen-related problems on your smartwatch. If your smartwatch is still under warranty, taking advantage of manufacturer support services is often the safest and most effective choice.