Netflix adds a "Short Movies" section

As a Netflix user you will have a Short Movies section , a novelty that is slowly coming to the streaming platform in response to a suggestion made in an American television program, a proposal that has been studied and launched.

Platforms sometimes collect user feedback on potential features and implement them later. We have already seen the case of Spotify with a request from Adele, which finally came true and now the same thing is happening on Netflix.

Pete Davidson could be attributed this new addition since it seems to have been the cause of Netflix creating this section so that subscribers have access to different movies and shorter series in order to have them well located.

All this has happened through a comment on an American television program, to which Netflix replied on social networks that it was a good idea, thus offering the link to the new section so that users could access it.

Content less than an hour and a half

The new section of short films contains a catalog that Netflix will probably update over time. For now, there are not many titles that it will have, but they will share something in common, they will have a maximum duration of 1 hour and a half .

In other words, if you don’t want to spend 2 or 3 hours or even more watching movies, the short movies section will present you with a catalog of shorter movies. They are organized by genre so you can filter your search a little more and see the ones you like the most.

Imagen - Netflix añade una sección de "Películas cortas"

This way you could better organize your time to watch Netflix. The new section has begun to be available in the United States very recently, Spain should also arrive shortly and it is a matter of a few days before the new section appears.

The Short Movies section will be available to all Netflix subscribers, regardless of the type of subscription they have contracted and regardless of which device they are accessing the streaming service from, as it can be accessed from any of them.

Via: TheVerge