Cash App: the data of millions of Americans is leaked

The popular Cash App has leaked data from 8.2 million users , which affects those who have made investments in the stock market or in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Cash App has not been hacked externally, rather the data was stolen by a former employee, who should no longer have had access to the information.

Data has been leaked only from citizens of the United States , there are no affected in other countries. Those who use Cash App exclusively to send and receive money are not included, only those who bought stocks or cryptocurrencies at some point.

Considering that WhatsApp payments are already in the United States, leaking data in Cash App will not help keep it attractive for its current users, not to mention that PayPal is increasingly focused on sending money between individuals.

The only personal information leaked is the name and surname, the rest is financial data , although undoubtedly very sensitive: the record of asset trading, the value of the investment portfolio, the list of shares and cryptocurrencies of the client and the number of the investment account.

Therefore, no passwords or personal details have been leaked . In any case, Cash App is going to send an email to the 8.2 million affected so that they are aware of the incident.

The data theft occurred on December 10, 2022, and was carried out by a former employee who had been out of the company for months . For now Cash App is investigating, it is not known if their systems were hacked, or access was mistakenly kept by a person who no longer worked there.

In addition to the internal investigation, Cash App has reported the incident to the authorities, in case a crime had been committed, either by the previous worker or by third parties involved.

In principle, Cash App users are not in imminent danger , although it is serious that their investment transaction data has been leaked. Anyway, it is always good to check if our password has been leaked in some of the recent security incidents.