Android Auto will warn you if the cable you're using is damaged

android auto ahora te dice si el cable usb que usas no sirve

Android Auto stopped working? Now you are one step closer to knowing why. Almost always, when a piece of equipment breaks, the first step in fixing it is to find out what the source of the problem is . And sometimes the cause is simpler than it seems.

A damaged cable? That may be the problem, that’s why in the new Android Auto Beta update they have included this incredible function, which despite being very simple, will surely save you a lot of headaches .

Android Auto 7.5 Beta diagnose USB port boot

As with many Android applications, there is always a Beta version where developers can test new features in their different phases until they are transferred to the stable version of the app.

Android Auto also has a Beta version and in the latest update they have included the USB port boot diagnostic, which will let you know if this cable has any problems.

To access this function you must enter the “Android Auto Connection Help” section. The program can detect various problems , such as that you are using a charging cable or that it simply does not transmit the data well, perhaps due to a fault or because it is too long.

Don’t throw away the cable that stopped working with Android Auto

android auto cable no sirve

Although technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, sometimes it cannot give us all the answers. In this case, if the cable you are using in Android Auto is not working, it is not necessarily because it has been damaged .

So what is the problem? You are not using the correct cable . Some cables are designed to transfer data, others are not. So if the cable you used didn’t work, don’t throw it away out of the blue, try it on another computer first.

It may not work for Android Auto but it does to charge the mobile or other equipment .