Windows 11 will tell you if your PC is green and how much it consumes

In an upcoming update of Windows 11 you will be able to know how ecological your PC is and also how much it consumes, so you are raising awareness about sustainability, it is good news that the operating system offers you this information, although it is not available now.

To do this, you will have to access a certain section of the Windows 11 configuration and there you will find some icons that will offer you an ecological score . They are leaf-shaped icons called “conserve energy” and the more they appear, the greener your PC will be.

It seems that a maximum of 5 sheets will appear, which would mean that your computer is very green, but if only 1 sheet appears, it is assumed that your computer is not green at all. In any case, it is not known based on which parameters this score appears.

This is something that we will know in more detail when the functionality is available, which is expected to be quite soon. Along with the ecological score, you can also activate a parameter to see ecological recommendations and you will be able to access a section to learn about some settings that can help you make your computer more sustainable.

Imagen - Windows 11 te dirá si tu PC es ecológico y cuánto consume

Windows 11 will also raise awareness about device recycling , and for this reason you will see a new recycling section that will help you learn how you can recycle your current work equipment when the time comes to get rid of it for whatever reason.

All these options that include the ecological score, computer recycling tips and recommendations will be within a section of the Windows 11 configuration called “sustainability” , specifically within the “system” section as you can see in the image of the Twitter user Albacore.

Probably in the future this new section will include some more options to make the user aware of ecological issues in relation to your PC, although for now what you will begin to know is what ecological score your Windows 11 PC has and the consumption and that It will probably be a reality in a future version of the system, in an update available via Windows Update.