Don't take it away from you! This is how you can rescue your banned Instagram account

como recuperar cuenta suspendida instagram 2

Although it is normal for Instagram to delete an account for violating its community standards , sometimes they can suspend some by mistake, and we are not talking about the shadowban. This happens in times of massive cleanups, but it can also happen at any other time, such as the purge that ended in October 2022.

If your account was affected by an Instagram ban and you consider it to be a misunderstanding, you should know that it is possible to appeal the decision. How can you do it? That is just what we will teach today in this tutorial on how to recover your Instagram account suspended by mistake .

How to appeal an account suspension on Instagram

cómo apelar una suspension de cuenta en instagram

If your account has been terminated by Instagram, the application will normally notify you in two ways: by email and through an in-application message. Regardless of the method by which you learned of the suspension, Meta allows you to access a form to appeal the decision and try to recover your account.

Something you should know? The appeal can only be made during the next 30 days after the suspension . You can still fill out the form if you go directly to the link on the web and try to appeal after that time, but it is less likely that they will help you. What information does Instagram request in this form? The next:

  • Full name .
  • Email linked to the blocked account.
  • The username of the account.
  • Your mobile phone number .
  • Your argument as to why you believe the account is legitimate and hasn’t broken any rules.

By submitting the form, Instagram will receive your request and begin the wait while they process it. There is no set time for the platform to give you an answer, but they tend to do so after a couple of weeks. Whether the answer is satisfactory or not, Instagram should send you an email notifying you of what they decided.

If things look good, you may be asked to do a couple of extra things . This is not always the case, but the most common is that the email with the response from Instagram arrives with a verification code. You must write this code on a sheet next to your name and that of the Instagram account to recover and take a photo of yourself holding it next to your face. It is very similar to the verification photo that you are asked for in the KYC processes of many platforms, especially FinTech ones.

What if you haven’t received the email from Instagram after filling out the appeal form?

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There are occasions (very few) in which time passes and Instagram does not respond. If this is what is happening to you, you are most likely in one of these situations:

  • They haven’t seen your form yet .
  • You put the contact email wrong (although they should still send the answer to the email associated with the account).
  • The message is waiting for you in the spam folder .

If the time goes by and they still don’t respond to you, you can fill out the form again, but you can’t do much more.

Keep calm if the suspension was due to a general mistake, your account will be returned to you shortly

que hacer si instagram suspende tu cuesta por error

Now, what happens if your account was suspended due to a general platform error? Sometimes it happens, because after all it is a computer system that can fail at some point .

In this type of situation, the accounts deleted or blocked are totally random and yours could be affected. If it happens, Instagram will notify the problem on its official networks or you will know it because other users are experiencing a similar problem. Also, you don’t have to worry and just wait a few hours or a couple of days to have your account active again .

What the platform does in these cases is load a backup prior to the error and restore everything to how it was at that point. Between that reset, your account will surely be. Be careful, even so, you can still fill out the form through the “Oppose the decision” button, but it does not tend to be necessary.

Why does Instagram suspend accounts?

reglas de la comunidad instagram

Finally, it is good that we talk about the reasons why Instagram closes accounts on its platform. Normally, they don’t suspend accounts just because , but for violating one of their community policies or for complaints from other users.

Meta generally warns what rule you are violating , but sometimes its message is not clear. Therefore, it is likely that you do not know the real reason. Even so, these are the most frequent reasons why Instagram blocks accounts:

  • Posting sexual content of any kind , from nude images and videos, to related sounds and text.
  • Show drugs or violence in your posts , especially if your account is not informational (like a news outlet or something similar).
  • I harass other people , both through your posts and through private messages.
  • Violate copyright , by using content without their authorization or without giving credits, especially if you profit from it.
  • Identity theft , which can be detected by the algorithm itself or by the prior complaint of another user.
  • Accumulate complaints from other users . In these types of cases, Instagram first suspends the account and then checks if the allegations are real and if you are really breaking any rules.

Now that you know all this, it’s time to do two things: first, try to recover your account if you are one of those affected by a suspension; second, share this information with other people, as it could be very useful to them.