The real problem with Android: How the versions are currently distributed

If you have been using Android phones for a few years, you will know that the main problem with the operating system is updates. Google does not depend directly on updates and this makes, on some occasions, a complete joke of versions and distributions. Google has republished the data of the Android distribution by versions, something that it did not do for more than a year. It seems that even the company itself comes out with colors with this type of data.

Android 10 is the most used version two years later

It is curious to see how the Android versions reach the peak of users about two years after being launched. This is a problem, as it means that users take a long time to update or that they buy devices with old versions of the operating system . At the moment, as of November 2021, the most used version of Android in the world is Android 10.

This version was released in September 2019, so it has rained quite a bit since then. But not only has time passed, but two other more current versions have been released. Android 10 is still in 26.5% of Android mobiles around the planet.

Android 11 , the version launched a year ago, is currently on 24.3% of Android phones. Of all active Android smartphones in the world, a year later, only 24 out of 100 have a relatively current operating system.

Old mobiles with old versions

And the real problem is not in Android or Google, but in that the mobiles that run the operating system are manufactured by companies outside of Google. This reduces the concern for updating when a certain amount of time passes. To this we must add that many of the Android phones that are sold are of medium and low ranges, which have even worse support .

If you buy a mobile today it will have Android 11, next year it will update to Android 12 and, hopefully, if it is a high-end or important mid-range, the following year you will get it to update to Android 13 . Manufacturers that update their mobiles for more than two years are counted on droppers, and the models of those manufacturers even more.

Apple has the power when it comes to upgrading

Android 12, having been launched more than a month ago, is not even in 0.1% of Android devices. When Apple launches a new operating system, regardless of the flaws it may have, it is installed on millions of iPhones spread all over the world and with many years behind them.

Currently, an iPhone 6s released in 2015 can upgrade to IOS 15 , an operating system released in 2021. A 6-year-old smartphone can continue to be at the forefront in terms of software, something that we have been dreaming of for years in Android .

The funny thing about this is that not even Google itself offers this support on its own mobiles . That is, not even the owner of Android is able to set an example when it comes to updates. Not even with a tiny catalog that does not reach ten devices.
