This clears the cache of an article on LinkedIn to update the preview

limpiar cache articulo linkedin

When you share a website address on LinkedIn, a preview with the name, description, and a thumbnail of the site is automatically created.

If this is your website and you change it, either because of a planned redesign or because you want the preview to look better on LinkedIn, this change will not be reflected . You will still see the old content and preview image. And it is that LinkedIn caches the content of the link preview for 7 days .

However, there is a way to force your LinkedIn website to update so you don’t have to wait a week. It consists of cleaning the cache of the article just as we explain below.

How to Clear an Article Cache on LinkedIn

post inspector linkedin actualizar vista previa de enlaces

LinkedIn is aware of this issue that many users are encountering and has therefore released the Post Inspector tool. It’s designed to improve engagement on LinkedIn, debug bugs, and of course, update the data LinkedIn has about your page or article . This is how you can use it to clear the cache of an article on LinkedIn:

  • Sign in to LinkedIn’s Post Inspector .
  • In the first box, enter the URL of the page whose cache you want to clear.
  • Click on Inspect . You will see that the preview will have been updated.
  • Now try to share your page or article on LinkedIn.

That’s it! This is enough to clear the article cache and update its preview.

enlace actualizado en linkedin post inspector

If for some reason the above method didn’t work for you, try this:

  • Update the desired preview image and title of your web page.
  • Refresh the LinkedIn web page.
  • Append a ” ?latest ” (without quotes) to the end of your web URL.
    • For example, if the website is, you must add the element mentioned in this way:
  • Take that new URL and share it on LinkedIn.

Ready! LinkedIn should update the preview after doing this. Whenever you do something wrong with the preview link, simply add a “latest”, “latest1” or “somethingnew” to the link so that LinkedIn considers it a new request and displays the latest preview information you have on your site Web. It’s that easy. We hope that this tutorial has been useful to you and, if you have any questions, let us know so we can help you.