Project Iris would be Google's new AR and VR glasses

project iris google gafas realidad aumentada

Metaverses, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are all the rage and the future. There is no technology company that wants to be left out of these concepts and Google will not be the exception. According to new leaks, the Mountain View company is preparing to enter this market strongly. How? Through Project Iris, Google’s new augmented reality glasses .

Augmented or virtual reality glasses? Project Iris will be both with its mixed reality

Google lanzará nuevas gafas ar y vr

It’s been a long time since Google introduced the original Google Glass, its AR glasses for the business sector. However, due to privacy problems, they limited their sale to very few markets and since then not much more has been known about this subject.

However, for a few weeks things have changed, because several news suggest that Google has been working around augmented reality for a long time . First, the acquisition of North, the manufacturer of AR Focals glasses; the second, the development of an operating system based on augmented reality; as well as the first rumor of the glasses successor to Google Glass.

Hand in hand with the latter comes the leak of The Verge , which indicates that Google is developing immersive glasses that mix AR and VR in the same device to achieve a new experience: mixed reality. Under the name of “Project Iris”, the new Google helmets would arrive in 2024 and would be similar to the Oculus of Meta (Facebook) or its extinct Daydream VR, but improved.

Project Iris will have immersive mode, but also external cameras

Nuevas gafas realidad aumentada Google

Google’s Project Iris glasses will not be open like Google Glass, but will instead use a closed format with an internal screen like other competing VR headsets. What’s new about this? At first it might seem like nothing, but there is something very new: the Iris glasses will be equipped with external cameras that will be in charge of showing the user what is happening around them.

In this way Google eliminates three birds with a single shot: it solves the problem of poor image quality of Google Glass (especially in bright environments), saves money in the manufacturing process and gives a better graphic experience to its users. users .

Project Iris glasses can be used for AR or VR alike thanks to its closed system and cameras

In addition, the leak points to other details about this new Google device:

  • They will have an internal battery for greater comfort when using them.
  • They will probably incorporate a Tensor processor made by Google.
  • They could launch alongside Project Starline , Google’s 3D video conferencing display that simulates facing another person.
  • The management of the graphics will not be the exclusive obligation of the processor, but will take advantage of the data in the cloud .

On the latter, Google’s idea would go through two fronts: the first, save energy by reducing the workload of the processor; and second, to take advantage of all the power of Google in terms of data in the cloud such as Stadia Streaming games, Google AR Core and Tango, as well as the AR mode of Google Maps.

If this rumor is true, Google has a very ambitious project in hand that will give something to talk about in the coming months and years. Will it come to fruition? We do not know, but we will be attentive to any news so that you find out before anyone else.