Telegram WebK is updated: know all the improvements and news

The Telegram WebK 1.2.0 version is now available for everyone, an update of the interface in web browsers of the messaging service. It includes some interesting improvements and new features for the long-term evolution of WebK.

We have explained what Telegram WebK and WebZ are, two variants of the app for browsers, which compete with each other to improve the main edition in the future. For now they’re still adding pretty basic features, and that’s exactly what the 1.2.0 update is focused on.

In the first place, the account profiles have been redesigned , it is an aesthetic change that makes them more attractive. The appearance of WebK is really similar to the standard Telegram Web, with certain modified details, such as a greater commitment to curved lines in the menus.

Imagen - Telegram WebK 1.2.0 es oficial: novedades

In addition, it is now possible to go back in folders with the Esc button , an improvement that makes it easier to navigate on computers. Using folders in Telegram makes it easy to upload large amounts of files, so you need to move between them easily.

In Telegram WebK 1.2.0 we can also send messages in public groups as the channel itself , instead of showing the photo and name of our account. To do this we must be the administrator of the group, and click on the profile image of the text box.

Let’s remember that Telegram WebK updates itself, as it is an interface for the browser. The next time we open it, it will show us the news of the 1.2.0 update automatically.

Telegram WebZ 1.34 recently also brought new features, and little by little these improvements bring them closer to the official web client. In the end, having several development groups results in faster progress, as happened with Telegram X as an alternative on Android.

It’s worth giving Telegram WebK a try , as it doesn’t support all the features of the official web app for now, but it keeps adding features every few weeks.