Snapchat finally lets you change your username

At last we have the possibility to change the username in Snapchat , something that is possible in practically any social network or service. The long-awaited Snapchat name change will be simple, fast and free, but with one important limitation.

And it is that you can change your username at most once a year on Snapchat, to avoid possible problems. For example, to change the username of Instagram the term is shorter, and that facilitates the sale of accounts for those who seek to have many followers in a short time.

Snapchat will allow the change from February 23, 2022, a feature that should have been available for years, or directly since Snapchat opened. The username uniquely identifies each account , and is used by other people to add us.

Here are the steps to change the username or “username” on Snapchat:

  1. We go to the profile section by clicking on the icon on the left that shows the Snapchat photo:

Imagen - Cómo cambiar el nombre de usuario en Snapchat

  1. Now we will enter the configuration through the icon of a gear that appears at the top right:

Imagen - Cómo cambiar el nombre de usuario en Snapchat

  1. Within the Snapchat settings, click on ” Username” , under the “Name” option (the one that is shown for everyone):

Imagen - Cómo cambiar el nombre de usuario en Snapchat

  1. We choose the “Change username” option, after the warning that it can only be changed once a year, we can enter the new one.
  2. The username must be between 3 and 15 characters long, start with a letter , and only support Latin letters, numbers, and the period (.), hyphen (-), and underscore (_) characters.
  3. The username is unique, that is, we will not be able to change to one that another user already has within Snapchat.
  4. To finish, you have to confirm the password of the account , and the name will be changed.

Therefore, it is quite easy to change the username on Snapchat , and we only have to be aware that it can be changed only once a year. Snapchat has lagged behind its rivals, and allowing such a basic aspect to be changed is necessary if it wants to compete with them again in the future.