More clarity on Twitter: now indicates the author of a tweet in replies

A recent Twitter update is showing the name of the author of the tweets when responding to their tweet , a novelty that is not yet available, although everything indicates that it will be a novelty that will soon reach all and the different versions of Twitter.

This is a less curious functionality that has been seen so far on Twitter for Android in version 9.39. It’s a small indicator tag under the photos of the owner of the main tweet , so that the people who respond can know who the author is.

This novelty has been discovered by the Twitter user AnestesioLector, who has realized that a user of the social network has the label “author” just below his photo when he has responded to his own tweet , offering valuable information to the rest of the users. persons.

Imagen - Twitter ya indica el autor(a) en las respuestas a tweets

And it is that, on occasions, a tweet can become viral and have tens or thousands of responses, and this is when this functionality comes into play, so that anyone who responds can be clear about who the author of the tweet is. said tweet.

But it will only appear if the author himself is replying to himself in the published tweet or when he is replying to someone, otherwise that label indicating that he is the author will not appear. This is useful when the owner of the tweet starts responding to replies .

Thus, users will know that they are talking to the original author of said tweet and not to any other person who was passing by. It should even be used so that when the author likes or retweets a response, the owner of that tweet will know that it is the author who has liked or done any other action.

If this option finally reaches all users, like the one to edit tweets, everyone will know who the original author of the tweet is when they reply to the answers in a tweet, which adds much more clarity to any tweet on the social network.