These two improvements that Instagram prepares will make it easier for you to use

From the Instagram social network, they are preparing two novelties: filtering the notifications in the Activity section , to easily locate the ones that interest us, and access to add the Stories to highlights as soon as they are published.

There are many new features of Instagram for 2022, but in this case they are functions in tests that some users are receiving , but others are not yet. It is to be imagined that if they work well they will be released for everyone, especially the filters.

The first option to filter appears in the Activity section , which is accessed by pressing the icon of a heart that appears in the upper right corner of the interface. That is, the internal notification center of Instagram, where it tells us the likes, comments, new followers and suggestions.

Here’s how this possibility goes:

Imagen - Novedades Instagram: filtrar actividad y añadir a destacadas

Among the available filters we can only see new followers, comments or labels and mentions in publications. It also allows you to limit the data to verified accounts or accounts that we follow , usually of greater relevance.

This is the section of filters that we can use:

Imagen - Novedades Instagram: filtrar actividad y añadir a destacadas

Those who strive to gain followers on Instagram end up with a lot of notifications, and it is difficult for them to locate the really relevant ones. Filtering by different criteria makes it easier to see important activity on Instagram.

The second novelty is a window to add a recently published Story to the highlights , so that we save doing it later.

Featured Stories albums are displayed to choose which to add the current post:

Imagen - Novedades Instagram: filtrar actividad y añadir a destacadas

The process of highlighting Instagram Stories is not too complex, although it requires more steps. Of course, users usually only pin a small percentage of their Stories to the profile , so it may not make sense to offer this option every time they upload one.

The option to filter activity is necessary and it would be strange for Instagram not to enable it for everyone, while this new Featured Stories menu is less useful, and will depend on whether the company sees that the idea works.

In fact, in several of our profiles the menu to filter notifications already appears, while access to the featured Stories has only appeared to us in a timely manner, in what seems like an experiment by the company.

In general, filtering Instagram activity is the most relevant of the new features that we now know, and we hope that it will reach everyone soon. There is no way to make sure that we will receive it, but updating Instagram to the latest version always increases the chances of receiving the latest changes.