Instagram: the chronological timeline is already reaching some users

Do you miss the chronological Instagram timeline ? There is good news in this regard because it is already reaching several users, so that they can start seeing the posts ordered by publication date, something that will be a reality for everyone very soon.

It was Adam Mosseri himself, a person in charge of Instagram, who has announced that they are testing a functionality on the social network that will allow users to change the view of their timeline through 3 possibilities, two of them would be chronologically.

The views are specifically called “Home”, “favorites” and “following” and by choosing two of them, the Instagram posts of the people you follow would appear in order of posts, that is, the most recent on top and how many below oldest .

The user will have the possibility to change the view of the timeline and see it the way they want when they need , if they want to see it in the “Home”, “favorites” or “following” view and this setting will be right on the main screen to make it easy switch between views, so today you can post in a certain view and tomorrow in another, for example.

Imagen - Instagram: el timeline cronológico ya está llegando

The chronological timeline seems to be that it may be one of the first Instagram news in 2022, although it will not be the only one and this new year will probably surprise us with more new features apart from those we already know, this will be one of them and it will surely arrive in an update coming soon.

Many Instagram users long for the timeline arranged in chronological order and not as it is now, so it is good news that Instagram developers intend to recover this possibility since it will be optional because there will be others as we indicated.

The launch date of the chronological order in the Instagram timeline is unknown, but seeing the clear intentions that Instagram has, it should not take too long to appear on Instagram for iOS and Android, in fact some people have already been able to try it and it would only be a matter of waiting a couple of weeks until this important news arrives.