Tizen OS is no longer exclusive to Samsung and reaches 3 new Smart TV brands

Samsung llevara Tizen, el rival de Android TV, a las teles de otras marcas

Samsung, the South Korean technology company, is characterized by being the leader in the market for multiple devices, among which we can highlight Smart TVs. The company owes much of its smart TV sales success to its operating system, Tizen OS, which has now spread to other manufacturers .

That’s right, Tizen OS is no longer exclusive to Samsung , as the company has decided to sell the operating system with a service license that allows other companies to purchase it and add it to their products. With this new deal, very soon the public will be able to start enjoying this comfortable operating system, with all its benefits and drawbacks, on the Smart TVs of the manufacturers that acquire this license.

Akai, Bauhn and Linsar are the first companies that will participate in this agreement

akai bauhn y linsar

As soon as Samsung announced that Tizen OS would be expanding to new brands with the introduction of its licensing service, it didn’t take long before they were already receiving offers from everywhere. The first to reach an agreement with the South Korean company were Akai, Bauhn and Linsar .

These three companies have already announced their main points of concentration for the retail sale of their own Smart TVs with Tizen OS , which were:

  • Spain .
  • France .
  • Italy .
  • united kingdom .
  • Australia .

The retail companies in charge of the distribution and sale of these devices will be Harvey Norman on behalf of Akai and The Good Guys will be at the service of Linsar. Lastly, Bauhn announced that it will release a 65-inch model as its first Smart TV with Tizen OS through Aldi stores in multiple countries.

What does Samsung gain from the Tizen OS license service?

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It is true that since its inception in 2015, Tizen OS had been the operating system designed exclusively for Samsung devices, and it was that way for a long time, becoming a serious rival for Android TV. However, at the 2021 Samsung developer conference, it was revealed that the company had made the decision to end this exclusivity .

The reason is simple, with these deals Samsung makes money from operating system royalties without necessarily having to spend money on hardware . Of course, many will disagree with this decision, as selling Tizen OS gives rival companies a chance to take on big brands, including Samsung itself.

However, not all of these brands that purchase the operating system have the same quality of hardware as Samsung. It takes great devices and a good operating system to be able to successfully capitalize on both, as Samsung has done for all these years.

Only time will tell us what this daring decision by Samsung will bring to its future, for now we just have to wait and see what companies like Akai, Bauhn and Linsar surprise us with . If you want to learn more about Samsung TVs, like how to install regular apps on a Samsung TV or how to install apps that haven’t been released in your country with Samsung Smart TV, be sure to check out our other articles.