Facebook will allow you to have up to 5 profiles in your account

Facebook dejara tener 5 perfiles en una misma cuenta

Despite the fact that it can no longer be considered the most popular social network in the world , since TikTok is the one that now occupies that place, Facebook continues to try not to be left behind with new functions and features.

In order to recover a significant user base that left Facebook several years ago, Meta is testing some changes that could attract the attention of those who left this social network.

According to what has been disclosed in various media, Meta will allow Facebook users to enjoy up to 5 different profiles in the same account .

5 individual profiles for each Facebook user

Facebook permitira crear 5 perfiles en una sola cuenta

In a few words, Meta wants to include in Facebook the possibility of creating up to 5 different profiles using the same account. That is, each of these profiles would enjoy a personalized and individual wall or timeline . In this way, it will be possible to access a unique experience with separate interests and relationships between each profile.

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, this functionality is already being tested by thousands of users . On the other hand, it is expected to be “activated” throughout the world in the coming months.

Why would a person want to have 5 different profiles on Facebook?

Tener varios perfiles en una misma cuenta de Facebook

If you are one of those users who want to separate work from friends, as well as personal tastes from informational interests, this new feature could be very useful to you .

In addition, by allowing the use of 5 different profiles, it will not be necessary to use a real name and surname , since a profile can be created with a completely different name so that it is not exposed when making comments on Facebook posts or pages.

Of course, all those profiles will be connected to the main profile , what does this mean? That an identity cannot be supplanted. Additionally, if any of those profiles receive a ban, Facebook will take action on the entire account (all profiles will be banned).

With nothing more to add on the matter, in case you want to access this feature before anyone else , you will have to download Facebook Beta on your mobile device.