12 Free and New Mobile Games – Just Out

If you are bored and want to entertain yourself for a good time, today we have free entertainment for you. We have selected 12 new and free mobile games from Google Play. All of them have just arrived in the Google store and are available without having to pay anything. They are very interesting and in their first days they are already receiving a great reception from users. They are Android games of all kinds and that you can install on almost any device.

All of these games are brand new and cost nothing

The good thing about downloading games that have just arrived on Google Play is that you are one of the first users to try them. Everyone on the list meets two requirements: be new and free . There are 12 titles and they are all very varied and recommended. If you were looking for new games, here is a good list to start with.

Almost all the games on the list can be played on countless Android phones, so you have no excuse to download and try them all. Not all of them are great or for everyone, but we are sure that there is one on the list that will stay on your smartphone for a long time.

Now you have a good source of new and free mobile games to turn to. And if none have just convinced you, you can always visit our Android games section where you will find dozens of very interesting lists.