Instagram “Embed” option: What does it mean and what is it for?

Opción Insertar Instagram qué significa

Instagram is a social network that cannot be missing from your mobile. And it is not for less, since this app has a lot of great functions. However, on Instagram there are also useful settings that go unnoticed and few people know about. This happens with the “Insert” option .

But what is the function of this button and how is it used? Stay on the web and find out, because here you will see what the “Insert” option of Instagram means and what it is for .

Instagram “Insert” button: everything you need to know

Opción Insertar Instagram todo lo que debes saber

The first thing that will surprise you about this feature is that it came to the app in 2013 . Although it is a bit old, we have no doubt that the option is one of the best tricks for Instagram.

Now, what does the button do? Well, the “Embed” option creates a code that allows you to embed an Instagram post in the HTML of your web page.

If what we have just explained was not very clear to you, take a look at the following image from Androidphoria’s Instagram:

How to use Instagram’s “Embed” option

First of all, we anticipate that this function is only available in the web version of the social network . The button does not appear in the Instagram mobile app. It should also be clarified that the option cannot be used with private profiles.

To embed a post on your blog or website using the “Embed” option, follow the steps below:

  • Enter Instagram from a computer or laptop.
  • Find the publication you want to embed on your website.
  • Tap the 3 horizontal dots icon. This button is next to the username of the profile that posted the photo or video.
  • Then click the “Insert” option .
  • Tap the “Copy Embed Code” button. In turn, you can check the “Include caption” box if you want this part of the post to appear on your blog.
  • Now paste the code into the HTML of your website.

And voila, this is how you use the “Insert” option of Instagram! What do you think of this feature? Do you usually embed Instagram posts on your website? Tell us in the comments.

And if you want to improve the reach of your photos and videos in the app , go to this article and learn about 5 tools to choose good hashtags on Instagram.

On the other hand, in case you are new to this social network, it is important that you know how to get real followers on Instagram. This is necessary for your account to start growing once and for all!