Innovation or Gimmick? Exploring Clicks: The iPhone Keyboard Case

In the realm of smartphone accessories, innovation often walks a fine line between practicality and novelty. Recently, a collaboration between YouTuber MrMobile and CrackBerry birthed Clicks, a company that introduced a unique product for iPhone users: a keyboard case. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of Clicks’ iPhone keyboard case, examining its functionality, availability, and potential impact on user experience.

The Concept:

Clicks’ iPhone keyboard case aims to enhance user productivity by offering a physical keyboard attachment for iPhones, reminiscent of traditional BlackBerry devices. The case provides a tactile typing experience, freeing users from reliance on the touchscreen and maximizing screen real estate for content consumption and creation.

Functionality and Design:

The keyboard case seamlessly integrates with iPhones, attaching securely to the device and enabling convenient access to the keyboard. Available initially for iPhone 14 and 15 models in yellow and gray color options, Clicks prioritizes simplicity and functionality in its design.

While the current iteration of Clicks’ keyboard case only offers a vertical orientation, akin to standard iPhone usage, users have expressed interest in a horizontal variant reminiscent of classic BlackBerry keyboards. Clicks may explore this possibility in future iterations to cater to diverse user preferences.

Price and Availability:

Potential users may hesitate at the $139 price tag associated with Clicks’ keyboard case. Despite the perceived value proposition, some may find the cost prohibitive, especially considering the availability of alternative accessories and the perceived utility of the product.

Additionally, Clicks anticipates shipping delays, with orders expected to commence delivery in February. Prospective buyers should factor in the waiting period when considering their purchase timeline.

User Experience and Considerations: One key consideration regarding Clicks’ iPhone keyboard case is user comfort and usability. While the compact form factor may present challenges for swift and fluid typing, particularly on smaller iPhone models, the larger Max versions offer improved ergonomics and typing efficiency.

However, logistical challenges arise with compatibility for iPhone 15 models, which feature USB-C connectors instead of Lightning ports. Clicks must address this discrepancy to ensure seamless integration and functionality across all iPhone models.


Clicks’ iPhone keyboard case represents an intriguing fusion of nostalgia and modern smartphone functionality. While the concept holds promise for enhancing productivity and user experience, practical considerations such as price, availability, and ergonomic design merit careful evaluation.

Ultimately, the success of Clicks’ iPhone keyboard case hinges on user adoption and satisfaction. As the product gains traction and garners feedback from early adopters, its true value and potential impact on iPhone usage will become clearer.