Laptop or Desktop: Which Is Right for You? Our Experience and Recommendations

Owning a personal computer has become a necessity for many individuals, serving various purposes such as leisure, work-from-home setups, or academic support. When the time comes to acquire a PC, people often find themselves at a crossroads, needing to decide between a laptop or a desktop. Having faced this very decision, we would like to share our personal experience in this regard.

By now, the advantages and disadvantages of each option are well-known. In brief, a laptop offers portability, the freedom to move it from place to place without relying on cables or outlets. On the other hand, a desktop provides greater comfort, typically boasting more power and quieter operation, but it ties you down to a fixed location.

Below, we share our personal insights on this matter.

Buying a Laptop or a Desktop: It Depends

Over time, individual circumstances can undergo significant changes, and we won’t sugarcoat it: a laptop offers far greater versatility than a desktop PC. If you are someone who frequently travels or even needs to carry your computer to work daily, the choice is clear—opt for a laptop.

Now, the reality of purchasing a laptop for home use often leads to a scenario where it ends up stationed on a table, connected to a keyboard, mouse, and monitor for enhanced convenience. Frankly speaking, the comfort of using a dedicated mouse and keyboard with a large monitor far surpasses that of the built-in laptop components, even if an external mouse is used, as is common.

In such cases, it becomes evident that opting for a desktop PC would have been the wiser choice. Even if it remains in one place all the time, a desktop offers a level of comfort that a laptop cannot match. Moreover, in most cases, a desktop is more powerful and quieter than a laptop.

However, there’s always a “but,” and this is where we share our personal experience. We work from home, spending extensive hours in front of the PC, so having a desktop is the logical choice. Nonetheless, like many others, we also take vacations, and remote work allows us to operate from anywhere with an electrical connection (since device batteries are not infinite) and an internet connection. This flexibility cannot be achieved with a fixed desktop PC (though you can relocate it, it involves setup and teardown, connections, and disconnections).

So, in reality, for 95% of the time, a desktop PC suits us perfectly, offering comfort and power. However, that remaining 5% of the time, we yearn for a laptop’s flexibility, especially when traveling, be it for holiday indulgences, binge-watching series, or even occasional work. The ability to work remotely while on vacation can be a game-changer.

In conclusion, based on our personal experience, a laptop is invaluable in many scenarios, especially for travelers or those who work extensively on a PC. Nevertheless, for most situations, a desktop PC remains the more reasonable choice due to its enhanced power and comfort. Keeping a laptop always connected to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse on a table is not worthwhile when you can have a desktop PC for such tasks.