Discover all the tips and tricks to speed up your WhatsApp

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Do you notice that WhatsApp is slower than normal? There are different reasons that can affect the speed with which this application flows, making it take longer to open than it should or directly hindering your experience within the platform.

These types of problems can be due to a bad configuration of your phone, lack of storage, some inefficient update, among other things. Fortunately, many of these scenarios have a solution and we will present them to you in this article.

Tricks so that WhatsApp does not go slow

This is what you should do to speed up your WhatsApp:

Clear WhatsApp cache

Something as simple as clearing the cache can make all the difference. By doing this you will be able to get rid of any temporary files that have accumulated. When these files become too many, they can impair the operation of the application.

How to clear WhatsApp cache

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Steps to delete WhatsApp cache :

  • Go into Settings.
  • Enter the Applications section
  • Then press App info.
  • Find the WhatsApp application and select it.
  • Press the Storage space option.
  • Select Clear cache.

Check that the app is up to date

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The problem may be due to some update that you have not performed. One way you can prevent WhatsApp from starting to have problems is by making sure you keep the app up to date.

In case the problem is a problematic version of the application, what developers usually do is release an emergency update to fix the bugs. So, when you have these types of problems, one of the first things you should do is verify that you do not have any pending updates to download.

Remove junk files from your mobile

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Failure to remove junk files from your mobile will not only slow WhatsApp down but also affect the overall performance of your device. So, if you don’t want that to happen, worry about deleting all those files on a regular basis.

To remove all these files, you can use any of the applications available in the Play Store. Although, you can also use the cleaner that comes pre-installed on your mobile.

Free up space within the WhatsApp application

Within the same application , videos, images, documents or anything that you have or have been sent to you within WhatsApp are stored . In many cases, the accumulation of these files slows down the application.

WhatsApp has a section that allows you to see which files are taking up the most space and which is the heaviest conversation within the app. You can use this information to know exactly what to remove.

Manage storage space in WhatsApp

  • Enter WhatsApp.
  • Select the three dots in the upper right corner.
  • Go into Settings.
  • Select Storage & data.
  • Then tap Manage storage. By selecting this option you will be able to see how much space you have free. If you notice that you have very little space available, this could be the reason for the slowdown of the app.
  • If you want to review which files are taking up the most space within the app, go to the Review and delete items section. When you enter there you can select as many files as you want to delete them and free up space.
  • At the bottom, you will see another section called Chats, here you will see the conversations that take up the most space within your WhatsApp. This way you will know which ones you should delete if you want to free up space.

Another thing that is also recommended to do is delete all the stickers with movement that you have in the app, since these can also slow down the application.

Do not use WhatsApp Beta

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WhatsApp Beta is a version of WhatsApp where all its functions are experimental, which makes this version much more unstable than the official one. If you are having slow issues and you are using WhatsApp Beta, switching to the stable version may fix the slow issue.

you have too many contacts

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Having many contacts on WhatsApp affects the performance of the application. The more contacts you have, the more time WhatsApp will take to check if all those users use the platform service, the same check that makes WhatsApp take time to open. This is something that can happen to people who have more than one Google account on their mobile.

It is recommended that you always try to keep your number of WhatsApp contacts within a reasonable number if you want the app to open quickly.

Reinstall the app

Although it may be one of the most tedious alternatives on the list, it could also be your only alternative to fix the problem in case nothing works for you. You will need to completely remove the app and reinstall it. This could help you eliminate the problem.

Nothing works for you? These could be the reasons

If you have already tried all the tricks and you still have the slow problem with the app, then it could be due to one of the following reasons:

Could be WhatsApp servers


One of the reasons why you might notice that WhatsApp is slower than it should is due to a problem with its servers. Luckily, there is a way you can check the status of the platform’s servers by visiting Downdetector. This web page is responsible for showing you in real time what the current status of a service is.

Check the current status of WhatsApp servers | downdetector

To use it, you just have to write WhatsApp on the platform and it will tell you what the status of the servers is. In case it is a problem with the servers, there will not be much you can do, apart from waiting for everything to return to normal.

Antique phone

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If your phone is too old, this could be the reason why WhatsApp runs slower on your mobile. As it is an application that is constantly updated, to which more and more functions and tools are added, with each update it will demand more and more resources from your phone.

If your phone does not have the necessary features to deal with app updates, you will notice how it slows down. In this case, the only solution would be to change to a more modern mobile.

I hope this article has been helpful to you! And if you are interested in getting the most out of this platform, discover how to create call links on WhatsApp.