Facebook enables profile blocking tool in Ukraine

Facebook has launched the lock profile utility in Ukraine , so that all its citizens can activate it and protect their profiles, a tool that is not available worldwide and that at the moment can only be enabled in that country.

The functionality has been enabled as a result of the war that is taking place in Ukraine, where thousands of citizens are finding it necessary to leave their country, although there are journalists who are covering what is happening so that people are informed.

Precisely because of the presence of journalists and all the people who have decided to remain in the region, Facebook has made available to users a tool to block their profile so that their accounts are more protected.

What the lock profile utility is about is that people will be able to lock their profiles and offer the minimum of information to all the people who are not part of their friends list . It is quick to activate in just one click and has no advanced settings according to Nathaniel Gleicher.

Imagen - Facebook activa la herramienta lock profile en Ucrania

Those people who visit the blocked profiles with said tool will not be able to download their profile picture nor will they be able to see any publication that those users make on their walls, neither the new photos nor the cover photo or any story that they may upload.

What lock profile really does is show a very limited version of those people’s profiles , thus protecting their profile from other people. Once enabled, aside from viewing restrictions, other things will change within profiles.

Posts marked as public will automatically become visible to your friends list and profile and tag review will be enabled, so no one will be able to tag you without your permission.

Lock profile of Facebook is especially useful for journalists or activists in Ukraine, but it will be available to any citizen who wants it, just enter the Facebook profile page, click on the button with the three dots and check the option “lock profile ”.