Explore the universe! Discover this interactive map of 200 thousand galaxies on your mobile

Mapa interactivo del universo mira mas de 200 mil galaxias desde tu movil

Astronomy enthusiasts can enjoy the different apps and functions that smartphones have to explore what space hides . The astrophotography mode of the Samsung Galaxy camera, the function to see planets of Google Maps and the many applications to explore space that are in the Play Store are a clear example of this.

Now, scientists at John Hopkins University in the US have just released an interactive map made from tons of valuable data collected by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey project of more than 200,000 galaxies. The best of all? That you can access it for free from your mobile , since it is available to everyone.

Interactive map of the universe: see more than 200 thousand galaxies from your mobile

Under the name of The Map of the Universe, the team of astronomers has launched an interactive website where more than 200,000 galaxies can be seen . The researchers even published a YouTube video (which we leave above) in which they explain how this map works and how it is used. Do you want to take a look? Well, here below we leave you the link that you can open from your mobile browser.

Link | MapoftheUniverse.net

Now, while 200,000 galaxies may seem like enough, it’s important to note that this map doesn’t cover the entire universe . In fact, it is only a graphical representation of the observable universe that scientists have been able to record with current instruments and probes.

Finally, you should know that this map is in English and it is quite educational. When entering the web you will find an option called “description” , with which you can find the explanation of each of the elements that make up the map: colors, borders, lines, positions, etc.

And you… Are you ready to explore the map of the universe?