Disabling Microsoft Defender: Your Comprehensive Guide for Windows 10 and 11

With the debut of Windows 10, Microsoft ramped up its security game by integrating Microsoft Defender, a complimentary antivirus program, into every computer. Renowned for consistently achieving top ratings in security evaluations, Microsoft Defender offers robust, free protection for your PC and personal data. However, some users prefer other antivirus solutions, and lately, Microsoft has made it more challenging to disable or completely uninstall Defender from your system.

Understanding Microsoft Defender’s Operations

Microsoft Defender is crafted to function autonomously, springing into action when no other antivirus software is present. Conversely, it automatically deactivates itself when another antivirus is installed, transitioning into an optional, manually-operated mode. Yet, turning off or fully removing Microsoft Defender from Windows 10 and 11, especially in their latest updates, isn’t straightforward.

Checking Microsoft Defender’s Status

Before making any changes, verify the status of Defender by opening a PowerShell window and running: Get-MpComputerStatus | select AMRunningMode. A response of “Not running” indicates it’s off, while “Normal” signifies it’s operational.

Steps to Turn Off Windows Defender

  1. Accessing Windows Security: Click on the taskbar’s blue shield or search for “Windows Security” to open the antivirus.
  2. Navigating to Settings: In “Windows Security,” find the “Antivirus and threat protection” section and click “Manage settings”.
  3. Disabling Features: Disable the following features to stop Defender:
    • Real-time protection
    • Tamper protection
    • Optionally, cloud-based protection

Alternative Methods to Disable Microsoft Defender

  1. Using Windows Registry:
    • Access the registry by pressing Windows + R and typing regedit.
    • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Policies > Microsoft > Windows Defender.
    • Create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value named “DisableAntiSpyware” and set its value to “1”.
  2. Via Group Policies (Available only in Windows Pro):
    • Open the run window (Windows + R) and execute gpedit.msc.
    • Go to “Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Microsoft Defender Antivirus”.
    • Find “Disable Microsoft Defender Antivirus”, double click, select “Enabled”, and apply the changes.

Final Thoughts

After implementing any of these methods and restarting your computer, Microsoft Defender will be disabled. However, remember that by doing so, you’re exposing your system to potential threats. Always ensure you have a reliable alternative for protecting your PC from malware and cyber-attacks.