Ways to see a private Instagram profile if it does not accept you

instagram privado

Surely on more than one occasion you have tried to view a private Instagram profile without success. And it is that there are accounts that only allow their friends to see the publications that they upload to the popular photography social network.

But can this limitation be bypassed? To answer this question and show you how you can view a private Instagram profile, we are going to tell you everything you need to know if you are taking your first steps on this social network.

How to view a private Instagram profile


First of all, we have to tell you that it is wrong to spy on other users’ accounts. Yes, stalking on Instagram is not going to do you any good, but there may be situations where you need it. So let’s look at the different options to consider.

Of course, it is very important that you make it clear that there are no applications with which you can see a private account on Instagram . Facebook, which owns this social network, is not going to allow something like this so easily. Therefore, do not even think of downloading any app of this type, since they hide malware inside or they will try to steal from you using all kinds of tricks. Great care!

Request access to the private account


The simplest option is to ask him for access to the private account with a request . You will simply send him a request and, if he accepts it, you will have access to all the publications that he uploads to his account.

Keep in mind that, although you can see the Instagram Stories without being discovered as long as they are accounts that you follow or are public, in the case of private accounts you will not have access to anything at all if the request is not accepted. Or if?

Check their other social networks


This is where a much more effective option than you imagine comes in. There are many users who use different social networks. And these apps feed each other. Or what is the same: many Instagram posts also appear on Facebook , for example.

While it’s true that you probably won’t be able to see all the content, if you’re lucky enough that your Facebook account, or any other social network, is open to everyone, you’ll be able to see the occasional publication without your knowledge.

Create a new account on Instagram

Logo Instagram

Finally we have a very effective option if you know a little about the owner of the private Instagram account. In the event that you are not accepted for some reason, you can always create a secondary account that has a better chance of being accepted.

It is very important that the account is as real as possible, so do not use false names or anything like that. Create an account with a real name , and upload the occasional photo that has to do with the likes and interests of the person you want to follow to get them to accept your request. Also, you can have multiple Instagram accounts on mobile, so it won’t be a problem in that regard.

As you may have seen, there are no miraculous tricks or apps to see a private account on Instagram , but there are ways to finally get the long-awaited access. Do not hesitate to try your luck!