How to create and share multi-stop routes on Google Maps

Hacer y compartir rutas de Google Maps con más de una parada

Google Maps is an incredible advancement of GPS technology in the palm of our hand. It allows us, for example, to locate ourselves to get where we want, locate accessible routes for wheelchair users and, now, calculate multi-stop itineraries with total precision and share them with our friends.

Being able to have an algorithm as complete as Google Maps draw you the most efficient route possible with up to 9 stops is something amazing. Do you know how to share your itineraries with whoever you want? We explain it to you in great detail in this article.

How to share routes with several stops on an Android mobile

First of all, you have to have a multi-stop route to share. Do you know how to create them from your mobile? It is very simple!

To add stops to a route, the first thing you need is a route.

Cómo añadir paradas a una ruta en Google Maps

  • Once you have chosen a starting point and a destination in “How to get there” , click on the three points that are in the upper right corner.
  • In the menu that will open, choose “Add stop” .
  • You can add all the stops you want.
  • When you finish, press “Done” and you will be able to start the route resulting from the union of all the stops.

Sharing this multi-stop itinerary with your contacts is very, very easy.

  • You just have to press the three points again to open the options menu (the one you can see in the third screenshot).
  • Choose “Share Directions” .

It’s that simple! Of course, remember that in order for your friends to see the route, they must have the Google Maps app updated on their phones.

How to make Google Maps routes or itineraries with several stops on the computer

And if what you want is to share a multi-stop route from the web version of Google Maps , we tell you what steps you have to take:

You just have to enter “How to get there” as if you were going to make a route of only two points, select a starting point and a destination and click on “Add destination” to add one more stop.

Cómo crear una ruta de más de una parada en Google Maps desde el ordenador

To share your multi-stop route from your computer, open the options menu by clicking the three horizontal bars in the upper left corner and choose “Share or insert on map” .

A link will be generated with which you can send your itinerary to whoever you want. In addition, you also have the option to share the route on your Facebook wall or on your Twitter timeline directly with one click.

Cómo compartir un itinerario de varias rutas con Google Maps web

Now that you know how to share these practical multi-stop routes with your contacts , a whole range of possibilities has opened up for you. For example, you can now create the ideal hiking route on Google Maps and send it to your friends to go together. Why not?

And if you can’t think of anything to plan, here are some plans to have a great time with your friends as you come up with places to go with the help of Google Maps and its continuous improvements.