Does GBWhatsApp tell you that “the app was not installed? How to fix it

GBWhatsApp no se instalo la app solucion

If you downloaded the GBWhatsApp APK and when you install it the following message appears: “The app was not installed” , you are in the right place. Here we are going to show you what you have to do in order to solve this problem that prevents the application from being installed on your mobile.

GB WhatsApp says “cannot install the app”, can this problem be solved?

GBWhatsApp dice no se instalo la app en Android

Yes, this problem can be solved very simply. To do this, you must perform the following steps that we show you below :

  • The first thing you have to do is make a backup of your WhatsApp chats.
  • Once the respective backup has been made, you must remove the official WhatsApp app that you have installed on your mobile.
  • Therefore, you will need to download this GBWhatsApp APK on your Android phone.
  • With the APK already downloaded, you will need to install GBWhatsApp on your phone by following this tutorial.
  • If you did all the steps correctly, you should be able to use GBWhatsApp on your phone without any issues.

As you may have seen in the tutorial that we left you above, the problem is generated when the official version of WhatsApp is installed on the phone. Once the application in question is removed, GBWhatsApp will not show any error when it is installed on the mobile.

Still unable to install GBWhatsApp on your Android phone?

No puedo instalar GBWhatsApp en Android

If you are still unable to enjoy the improvements provided by this modified version of WhatsApp, the problem may be related to the free space you have in your mobile’s internal storage.

Unlike the original version of WhatsApp, this modified version needs at least 200 MB of free space to install without problems.

In case you do not have that amount of free space, we recommend downloading these apps to free up memory in the blink of an eye.

Without anything more to add about it, it is necessary to mention that this same error also happens with WhatsApp Plus . If you cannot install that version either, here we show you the solutions that you have to perform in order to eliminate that problem from your Android phone.