Change the design of your Samsung with these themes and give it a totally different look

If you have a Samsung mobile and you continue with the same design since you bought it, it is because you do not know the Samsung Themes . These are available on the Galaxy Store and offer a complete update to the interface design. They change the background, the way you see the interface, the main colors, the app icons and many more aspects. It’s the perfect way to change the look of your Samsung in just a few seconds!

The best free themes for your Galaxy

In the Samsung store there are themes of all kinds, many paid and many others free. If you haven’t tried any yet, we recommend that you start with the free themes. There are many available and they offer very attractive and different designs.

The key to themes is to offer a completely different design of the interface. When you activate them you will see that everything changes and that you have a completely different mobile. Installing them is very simple, because you just have to go to the Galaxy Store , choose one, download it and activate it.

These are some of the best themes that you can download for free on your Samsung mobile . Of course, if you don’t like how one of them looks, you can always reinstall the default theme so that the entire interface returns to its original state.

These are some of the most outstanding free Samsung themes . Of course, there are many more to choose from. Our recommendation is that you enter the Galaxy Store , find the theme section and take a look at the ones you like the most. The most attractive ones are paid, but you will only have to pay a few cents for most of them.

This is a very good way to give your Samsung mobile a different touch and change its appearance completely without too much effort. The great thing about Themes is that they do all the customization work for you almost automatically .