Did you download an XAPK on APKPure? How to install it

Como instalar un XAPK descargada de APKPure

When you can’t download an app for your Android because it’s not available in your country or because it’s been removed from Google Play, you can search for it on APKPure. This is the website where you can find all kinds of applications in APK and XAPK formats. For this reason, it is necessary to know how to install an XAPK so that you can enjoy this app on your mobile.

Surely the APK format sounds familiar to you, an installation file that just by executing it already installs the app on your mobile. The XAPK format is a bit different . If you have already tried to install it, you surely realized that your mobile does not recognize this format as an installation file. But don’t worry, in this article we will explain how to install applications in XAPK format with two simple and fast methods.

Install an XAPK with the APKPure app

Instalar un XAPK con la aplicacion de APKPure

Before knowing how to install this format, you should know if the XAPK has a virus before downloading it to avoid infecting your smartphone with malicious files.

Once you have the XAPK on your mobile, you have to install the APKPure application . Remember that this app is not on Google Play, but on the official APKPure website that you will find by clicking here . The app on this website comes in APK format, so you won’t have any problems installing it, as you’ll see in the following steps:

  • When you have downloaded the APK of the APKPure application, you only have to open the file and confirm the installation to have this app on your mobile.
  • Now open the APKPure app and press the Menu button on the top right corner.
  • Go to the Manage APK/XAPK tab at the bottom.
  • The XAPK that you have downloaded on your mobile will appear.
  • Finally, you will only have to press Install and that’s it.

XAPK Installer: an alternative to install an XAPK

XAPK Installer una app para instalar un XAPK

Now, if you want to install the XAPK with an application that you can find on Google Play , we recommend the XAPK Installer app. This is a handy app with which you can install any XAPK that you download from APKPure. The steps to install with it are as follows:

  • Search for XAPK Installer on Google Play and install it on your mobile.
  • When you open the app, go to the Home tab in the lower panel, once there you will have to press the Install button .
  • Now, you just have to find the Downloads folder , or alternatively the folder where the XAPK you downloaded is located.
  • Select the XAPK you want to install and the XAPK Installer will start parsing the installation file.
  • Finally, a window will appear where you just have to press Install and that’s it.
XAPK Installer

Price: Free

If you are wondering if it is possible to install an XAPK without downloading the official APKPure app or a third-party app , the answer is yes, but it will take much longer to complete the installation process. You can visit this article if you want to learn how to manually install an XAPK.