Apps that will help you automate repetitive tasks

5 aplicaciones para automatizar tareas repetitivas

We don’t always make the most of our smartphones, computers or tablets. Many times we only use them, but we do not get the most out of them. What I am going to teach you are tools that can help you automate processes when performing repetitive tasks, which, in general, come to take away a lot of time that we can use to do other things.

Learn about the 5 best applications that will help you make better use of time and, of course, optimize tasks. Are you ready?

Applications that will help you automate tasks

With these applications you will have more time for yourself! Download them and then tell us how you like them.


5 aplicaciones para automatizar tareas repetitivas

With this tool you are going to connect several applications and you will be able to automate all the repetitive processes on your Android. With it you will create connections between devices and services to automate all your tasks.

You can use it, for example, to upload images from Instagram to Dropbox and add the songs you like from your YouTube playlist to your Spotify playlist.


Price: Free


5 aplicaciones para automatizar tareas repetitivas

There are many sites to which we subscribe, perhaps without realizing it, from which many emails can reach our inbox , which we do not even read later.

Seeing this many unimportant emails can be quite annoying, plus it overloads your email and can make an important email go unnoticed.

There is a way to unsubscribe and stop seeing your mailbox full! With this app you can automate the process and organize all the emails in the inbox. With just a few clicks you will be unsubscribed quickly.

The steps to follow are “ Register ” and “ Connect your account ” and your email to the application. The app will take care of scanning the inbox and will only let you see the emails from recent subscriptions. There you will be able to choose the ones you want to keep and the ones you want to unsubscribe.

Unroll.Me - Email Cleanup

Price: To be announced


5 aplicaciones para automatizar tareas repetitivas

Getting your content to reach many people can sometimes be a tedious job , especially if you have multiple platforms. Publishing the content manually in each of them requires time and dedication. That many times we do not have!

With this app you will be able to automate and program the content of all your social networks with a few clicks. You will be able to have a view of all the activity on your networks in the same place and you will respond quickly to any comment or message left on them.


5 aplicaciones para automatizar tareas repetitivas.

With this app it won’t be necessary to have to remember all your passwords because with it you can store them securely, and the best thing is that you can access them from any device.

We know that managing multiple accounts with multiple passwords can be a bit tricky, and if your memory fails, no way!

To enjoy this app you have to create an account and configure it with a master password . After this, you will add passwords for your online accounts.

It is an ideal app, since it allows you to have a little more security on the Internet because it allows you to enable the two-step authentication option.


5 aplicaciones para automatizar tareas repetitivas.

This is another of the apps that make your life easier. With it, you will be able to configure rules that will be used to execute tasks automatically. You will be able to automate your activities in a simple and free way. It’s free too!

Its design is very intuitive and you will be able to use add-ons to increase the possibilities of this app.

We would love to hear your opinion. Leave your comments at the end of the article.