A new yellow button to share videos comes to TikTok: what is it for?

Boton Compartir de color amarillo TikTok para que sirve

If when wanting to share a TikTok video with your friends or family, you came across a new yellow button that says “Share” , surely you have wondered, what is it for?

Fortunately, this question has an answer. Although the platform itself has not reported what it is about and when it should be used , we have found out absolutely everything so that you know what that button does .

TikTok presents a new yellow button to share videos

TikTok boton color amarillo Compartir

Without any prior announcement, the most popular video social network in recent years added a new button so that users can share the videos they like in a different way.

In short, this button is used to let users who follow you know which videos you recommend . That is, when you click on this button, TikTok will notify all your followers (through a notification) that there is a video that they should see .

Can TikTok videos that have been shared be deleted using this button?

Boton de color amarillo para compartir videos TikTok

At the moment, and without any kind of comment from TikTok, there is no option that allows you to delete the videos that have been shared using the yellow button.

Of course, in case you do not like that your followers know the videos that you share in your account, the best thing you can do is configure your TikTok user as private (no one will be able to see anything).

Without anything else to add, we recommend that you take a look at the note where we explain how to share videos with other people on TikTok, this method is ideal to avoid having to download the videos on your mobile.