Try Rosalía's alphabet filter that is viral on TikTok

Filtro abecedario Rosalia TikTok

Do you know the lyrics of the song “abcdefg” by Rosalía perfectly? If your answer is “yes”, you should participate in the trend that all the fans of this artist are doing on TikTok .

Thanks to a filter that was created by a user within this video social network, anyone who has a TikTok account can test how fanatic they are of Rosalía’s music.

Rosalía’s alphabet manages to go viral on TikTok

As a “joke”, Rosalía has posted a video on her TikTok account where she mentions the entire alphabet in a very peculiar way.

In short, as she says the lyrics, the Spanish singer relates it to a particular word . Of course, the words he uses are typical of his style and personality.

In case you have not understood any of the words that Rosalía uses, we recommend that you take a look at the lyrics of this “song” so that when using the TikTok filter you do not make any mistakes:

A for alpha, height, alien – B for bandit – C for flirty – D for dynamite – E for expansive, empress, enigma, knowledgeable – F for Flux Aeon – G for pretty – H for depth – I for artificial intelligence – J for jineta – M for motomami, motomami, motomami, motomami, motomami – N for don’t even think about it – O for orchid – P for patron saint – Q for which queen – R for racineta, rank, racineta, rank – S for sata – T for titanic – U for ultrasonic – V for vendeta – W for Willie Colon, also for winter fall – X for I’ll clear the x in a moment – Y for yen, for yantas – Z for blackberry, or for zapateao, or bitch too”

How to find Rosalía’s alphabet filter on TikTok?

Efecto abecedario Rosalia TikTok

Luckily, and thanks to the latest updates that the TikTok app for Android and iOS has received, you no longer need to search for effects manually. In other words, you can find this filter from the link that we leave you below :

Link | Rosalía’s alphabet effect

It is worth mentioning that this filter only works on the latest version of TikTok , what does this mean? That you must update the app to be able to access the effect in question.

Without anything else to add about it, in case the filter is added to the social network camera, you will have to download TikTok Beta (it is an alternative version that has the latest features).