This is the top trends on Instagram for 2022

A survey by the social network reveals the top trends for 2022 on Instagram , focused on adolescents and young people of gen Z or generation Z. We will have expected trends, which began last year, and also surprising predictions.

We have already explained how to see the best moments of 2021 with Instagram Replay, and now the company publishes its first report with the trends that it believes will be on the rise in the coming months.

The data comes from questions to 1,200 young people of generation Z (13 to 24 years old) in the United States, although a good part of the trends for 2022 will be seen the same in Spain and Latin America.

Microinfluencers, memes and musical challenges

80% of generation Z believe that the new celebrities emerged from online media are more important than actors, musicians or athletes . On the other hand, 80% consider content creators to be as relevant or more than standard influencers.

In addition, a quarter of young people consider that micro-influencers with a strong community are the most capable of setting trends , compared to accounts with millions of followers who do not identify as much.

Imagen - Top tendencias en Instagram para 2022

It seems that memes about astrology will continue to be a trend on Instagram during 2022, as 20% have paid more attention to them in the previous year. It’s now easier than ever to create memes, and Instagram predicts that absurd humor and cryptocurrency memes will grow in the coming months.

Music is more social than ever, and 70% of young people expect to hear new songs in 2022 through social media. In addition, 33% want to see new musical challenges (viral challenges common choreographies on TikTok) and 24% hope that future albums will include visual content along with the music.

Intense fashion, dining at home and shopping online

The trends of Instagram for 2022 put aside the “athleisure” (sportswear to wear), and bet on alternative and ornate clothing : gothic, goblincore (elf style) or dark academia (university style of the 19th century), which interests 50 % of gene Z.

Imagen - Top tendencias en Instagram para 2022

Instead, it turns to minimalist makeup , less use of skin care products, and plant-based eco-friendly formulas, which interest 33% of respondents.

One of the most predictable trends on Instagram for 2022 is that gastronomy will continue to be enjoyed at home . The COVID certificate has not given total security for the hospitality industry, and 25% of young people will try the homemade bakery or pastry in the next year.

In addition, 25% will experiment with new trends, such as zero kilometer food or cocktails at home .

27% of generation Z plan to buy through social networks , something that benefits the Instagram Shop. Around a quarter of them think to use second-hand platforms to buy, almost the same amount that they plan to sell.

The lockdowns have boosted gaming, which was already one of the great trends before the coronavirus. Over 40% are interested in new 2022 video games , and 30% plan to watch live streaming through Twitch and other alternatives.

Mental health, activism and work refocusing

We recently collected some mental health apps, which will remain among the 2022 trends. 33% of Gen Z will perform relaxing activities such as yoga, meditation or mindful breathing, and 25% will perform artistic or creative tasks.

Imagen - Top tendencias en Instagram para 2022

More than half already follow activism and social justice accounts on Instagram or other networks. In 2022, 37% plan to make financial donations to social causes , and 28% will follow new accounts on this issue.

The Instagram survey focuses on the United States, and the job prospects there are quite bad: 87% believe that the need to have several jobs is a problem, and 90% consider that real experience is the best education , especially due to the high cost of universities.

Additionally, 71% would rather have a rewarding job than earn more money , so the 2022 trends include changes that will affect the economy.

Nor should we forget that many news will arrive on Instagram in 2022, and that surely in the top of Instagram trends of 2022 we will see unexpected news , which the experts have not been able to anticipate.