The messages that appear on Telegram channels may be advertising

Mensajes canales de Telegram podrían ser publicidad

Do you follow a lot of channels on Telegram? Do you sometimes see texts that look like advertisements? If so, then be very careful. Some messages on Telegram channels may be advertising .

But why are there ads on Telegram channels? How can you tell if the messages are advertising? Stay on the web and discover everything you need to know about this topic .

Beware of sponsored messages on Telegram channels

Cuidado mensajes patrocinados canales Telegram

Telegram ads have been available in the app for a while. This feature began to be included in the application in early November. Therefore, many people do not know what advertising on Telegram is like .

First of all, consider that you are only going to see these types of messages only in the public channels of the app. The channel in question must have more than a thousand followers for someone to advertise on it.

On the other hand, the ads will only appear in the form of text . The safest thing is that these messages have a link included. The link will take you to another channel or bot within the app itself. This is where you will try to sell a product or service.

Another key point is that advertising is not handled by the channel administrator . Telegram is the one in charge of managing which sites the ads are included on. For this, the app is based on the theme of the advertising and the channel where the sponsored message will appear.

Advertising messages on Telegram are marked with the word “Sponsored” (that is, “sponsored”). By seeing this, you can distinguish the ads from the messages the channel owner sends.

Are the ads on Telegram safe?

Son seguros los anuncios de Telegram

The app stated that they do everything possible to keep advertising safe . That is why they created a lot of conditions that must be met if someone wants to put ads on Telegram channels.

The support also prohibits various topics from appearing in the platform’s sponsored messages (such as misleading advertising and sexual or violent content).

Now, that doesn’t stop a scammer or hacker from trying to sneak into the app’s ads . Even so, we anticipate that this is unlikely to happen.

In any case, it was necessary for you to discover how to know if you are reading an ad on Telegram .

And you, what do you think of this matter? Do you think that the advertising in the app is annoying? Well, everything indicates that Telegram will allow you to deactivate the ads if you pay a subscription.

Despite that, remember that the app does not stop adding functions that you will surely love . One of the best is that you can make anonymous posts in public Telegram groups. There is no doubt that the app has many ways to keep its users hooked!