It's that easy to translate the lyrics of your favorite songs on Deezer

Como traducir la letra de las canciones en Deezer

Who doesn’t like to sing their favorite songs at the top of their lungs? Of course everyone. Music generates a lot of emotions in us and sometimes we don’t even know what the lyrics of our favorite songs say . This happens especially when listening to songs in English or in another language.

If you’ve ever wondered what the lyrics of your favorite English song mean, you’re in luck, because one of the most popular streaming music services has just released a new feature that you’re sure to love. Deezer has launched the translation of the lyrics of the songs and here we tell you how to use it.

How to translate song lyrics on Deezer

Asi de facil puedes traducir en Deezer la letra de tus canciones favoritas

Deezer is one of the many platforms that allow you to listen to music for free on your mobile or computer. Well, this streaming service competes in a market led by Spotify and Apple Music, although it has an ace up its sleeve to attract more users to its platform.

It is an exclusive function that has not reached any other platform: the translation of the lyrics of the songs. And using this function is very easy , you just have to follow these steps:

  • Open the Deezer app and play the song whose lyrics you want to see translated.
  • Once you are in the Deezer player you must press the Lyrics button that is located in the lower right corner of the album cover.
  • Now you will be in the section where the lyrics of the song are displayed. Here you just have to press the With Translation button and that’s it.

Do all the songs on Deezer have translated lyrics? How many languages do you translate?

At the moment, the lyrics translation feature on Deezer is only available for the most popular English songs . Specifically, the streaming music platform currently has 10,000 songs that have their translated lyrics available.

In addition, the lyrics in English can only be translated into four languages: Spanish, French, Portuguese and German . From Deezer they have assured that they are working to add more languages and songs compatible with this new function. And in case your favorite song still doesn’t have translated lyrics, here’s a list of 5 free apps to learn English.